Life lately. #31/52

Looking back at this week, it seems it’s been a mainly vertical format photography kind of week. I had lots of Weinschorle with my Dutch friend Mariska when she came for a visit on her birthday, spent a whole afternoon on the playground in the rain with the happiest of all mini-mes and we eventually packed our bags and drove home to spent time with the grandparents.   I started #agermanstory on a rainy afternoon and I’m happy.   All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

Heavy rain.

I remember last year’s excessive thunderstorms and nostalgically think back to hours of sitting on the windowsill, watching lightning strike Berlin’s TV tower and trying to >>catch it on photo<<. Unfortunately having a huge balloon in front of me to carry around doesn’t make it easier to bend over the parapet and shoot, and I decided the risk might be too high with mini-me jumping around in there.   This year’s summer seems to be quite similar (and possibly even “worse” – you know I love it, so I can’t complain!) in terms of rain and thunderstorms. Today, N and …


Deep down, I’ve had a strong desire to leave and to go places all my life. Being on the run makes me happy, and taking longer than planned rarely stresses but rather inspires me.   I’ve actually always dreamed of being on an overbooked flight to jump up and leave the plane and get a later one. (Still waiting.)   Today I took a long train ride through stormy weather, heavy rain fall and some sun light. I changed trains, stood in hallways, pressed my nosetip against the glass and painted ornaments on the foggy windows. I got picked up …