iPhone Diaries: New York.

Two weeks ago I returned from New York. It was a short and crazy trip (I also went to Pennsylvania for a few days, but that’s another story). Packing, I had expected a little bit of snow and some cooler temperatures, but arriving, I realized that I had totally under-estimated the weather.   My beloved and usually robust black leather shoes were ruined by icy sidewalks and hidden puddles within days and the umbrella I bought at an Asian dollar store on the Upper East Side in despair lasted about six minutes before it flipped (and was later entirely destroyed …

Life lately. #32/52

We basically spent last week in the forest, as you see in the pictures below. It was a slow and green and lovely week. We also went to Nürburgring for a day to watch vintage cars and I shot one of the best photos in a lifetime that day. I love it so much and keep looking at it, over and over again. It was the perfect moment and I am so grateful.   The woods around our hometown are breathtaking. It literally seems like they are mystic virgin jungles. More than once I asked myself, why, as a child, …

Life lately. #31/52

Looking back at this week, it seems it’s been a mainly vertical format photography kind of week. I had lots of Weinschorle with my Dutch friend Mariska when she came for a visit on her birthday, spent a whole afternoon on the playground in the rain with the happiest of all mini-mes and we eventually packed our bags and drove home to spent time with the grandparents.   I started #agermanstory on a rainy afternoon and I’m happy.   All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

Life lately. #30/52

Please forgive my cheating, I am sneaking in posts I didn’t manage to publish on time, just so that future generations might assume I was always on schedule with these.   It’s been a hot week with a bit of office work, a lot of cuddling, a trip to the lake, a stab by a syringe, and long walks and bike rides around the city.   All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

Life lately. #29/52

Berlin is a breeding pressure tank these days and anyone who knows me can figure that I am basically out-of-order right now. I try to cross all errands of my to-do-lists early or late, so I don’t need to spend too much time in the heat. When I do get myself outside, I try to do pleasant things, like spending all afternoon at the water playground with mini-me, or eat spaghetti ice cream with >>Lisa<< and >>Nina<<. On sunday, after a very short night (5am, I tell you…), we spent all day at the public pool, along with what felt …

Life lately. #28/52

So I forgot the week before last in life latelys, and this is it. (I dated it back so it still makes sense.)   The week was coined by the world cup finals, the whole city was tense before Germany vs. Argentinia. While I personally wasn’t all that excited, flags crossed my way on every corner and I went on a few walks and bike tours to shoot more #BERLINFANSIGHTS in the city. >>One of my photos<< made it to >>Schland Watch<< and was heavily discussed. While I get that they show bits and pieces found online, and it was …

Life lately. #27/52

Summer is – job-wise – usually a slow time for me, and I guess that’s fine. Since June was still quite busy with shootings and editing, even though I wanted to take a break, I am giving myself a less productive first half of July instead, and I use it to get things in order that have been undone way too long. I updated my >>website<< (that’s right, after more than two years) and relaunched a new design and everything, with my blog included (finally!). This feels so good. It’s like a whole new life.   Meanwhile, it’s a hot …

Life lately. Best of #19 – 26/52

I skipped these for a few weeks, because I was either so busy I couldn’t sit down and properly phrase a few sentences and pick out the best photos, or I was so relaxed that I didn’t want to poison it with reflection. Sorry.   The past weeks have been so up and down and good and bad that I can’t even remember really, it’s all in a blur. Mini-me has been healthy since April (!) and we have been basically sucking up life as much as possible. I worked a bit less after weeks of total exhaustion. I had …

Life lately. #15+16/52

I had a crazy week with lots of shoots and a trip to Dresden and Leipzig included, meaning I slept all by myself, all night, non-interrupted with no toddler sitting on my face when waking up (and that’s for a whole night, I swear). It was great, and at the same time I felt very lonely and sad. Being a mom really is quite a weird thing to be honest. I won’t go into detail on this today though.   Being away for almost 48 hours, I was attached to my camera and iPhone, snapping photos all day, sucking up …

Life lately. #14/52

N and mini-me have caught the chickenpox and I (immune) have not left the apartment in almost a week, squeezing work in wherever possible while trying not to burst out in tears over all of this. The outside shots were taken last Wednesday, on the way to a job. Shortly after, I found the first blisters on my baby.   Dear 2014, please stop being so damn sick. The only good news are that I am going to Dresden and Leipzig for two days next week, sans bébé, but working around the clock.   (I am annoying myself with all …