Oh damn, I’m so behind on everything. Mini-me’s fabulous caretaker took some well-deserved three weeks off for her summer vacation and we were left with a hyperactive and totally bored mini-me in Berlin. Literally, everything I have worked on is delayed or a total chaos. Dear super-mamas, I wish I was one of you. An almost two-year old is no joke to handle. In the supermarket. At Ikea. At breakfast. And dinner. At work. Oh my.
To not collapse under a nervous break-down, we packed our stuff, borrowed a car and went to the little town that’s home to all of mini-me’s grandparents (and his great-grandmother!). While all of them did their duty and helped us big time, working still wasn’t so much of an option. I was either too tired (who said that kids start sleeping through the night at a certain age? We still haven’t reached that age, just yet…) or too exhausted (that’s an equivalent to tired) or too stressed. I did take a few breaks driving around to shoot for #agermanstory, but to be honest, I am a bit disappointed with the (quantity of the) output. I just didn’t have enough time or a free mind to just do it. I was always rushing, or too shy, or very often there was just no way to stop the car. Shoot.
At least I got one thing done (with just a tiny bit of cheating, but please don’t tell on me): The #juergentellerassignment. By coincidence I stumbled upon a little instagram challenge hosted by Linda Berg (@lindaberlin) and Anika Meier (@gert_pauly), based on a photography assignment that the great Jürgen Teller apparently gave to his photography students in Nuremberg. I took the challenge and posted twelve photos dedicated to Mr. Teller, and I even (barely) made the deadline. >>One of my photos< < got featured aswell, and it was so much fun to work on this.
This was the list:
Please take
1 photo of your house (or inside your home)
2 photos of the street where you live
2 photos of animals
1 self-portrait
1 photo of a forest
1 funny photo
2 photos of your favourite food
1 photo with another camera
1 photo of your parents, a friend, an important person in your life
These are my photos (all taken with my iPhone 5s and edited with vscocam):
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf
I will add all missing content of the past few weeks to the blog shortly. Promise. And sigh.
Stop that “Dear super-moms” bullshit. You are one.
Mir gehts genauso , meiner ist 3 Wochen jünger und hier ist auch immer Chaos. :) mach dir keinen Kopf über die Super Moms, das ist doch alles unreal…
Ihr Lieben, so ernst hab ich den Satz gar nicht gemeint. Muss ja immer schmunzeln wenn die Supermamas mir erzählen wie einfach und toll alles ist.
Ha, ich kenn das. Jedes Jahr aufs Neue verfalle ich auf den (nachträglich echt unklugen) Gedanken, ich könne doch die beiden agilen Kleinkinder zu den Großeltern verfrachten – und während die Oma bastelt und der Opa die Tiere vorführt, könnte ich arbeiten.
Nichts da. Jedes Jahr aufs Neue. Kinder von der Reise gestresst, mit den Regeln in Omas Haushalt nicht einverstanden, ich selbst zu müde, zu kaputt – und auch einfach nicht willens, abends zu arbeiten, während sich meine Eltern doch gerne mal unterhalten würden.