Life lately. #28/52

So I forgot the week before last in life latelys, and this is it. (I dated it back so it still makes sense.)


The week was coined by the world cup finals, the whole city was tense before Germany vs. Argentinia. While I personally wasn’t all that excited, flags crossed my way on every corner and I went on a few walks and bike tours to shoot more #BERLINFANSIGHTS in the city. >>One of my photos<< made it to >>Schland Watch<< and was heavily discussed. While I get that they show bits and pieces found online, and it was super interesting for me to read the thoughts on my photo from such a big audience and in a critical context, I am irritated and a bit not amused about them not crediting anything they post. A hot topic these days, >>apparently<<. But why? It’s never been easier to research the source of a picture, there’s even >>software<< for it!?


Anyhow, Germany won, and for a while the whole world was talking about nothing else. Until world history took more important turns.


Besides soccer content, I shot a lot of street photography while on the run, got rid of tons of bugs on this website and often came home with sand in my underwear from endless afternoons spent on the playground with >>mini-me<<. I’m pretty close to getting those damn taxes done and sold a number of prints for the summer budget. I spent the evenings with friends having homecooked dinners and explored many unknown spots of Berlin by bike.


germany brazil


All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

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