Oh Boy!

Dear Mini-me,   how dare you being two years old today?   Being apart from you for a week this month has been the best decision I have made in a very long time. It was a trip to the past, to my old life, my old job, my old self. I had a blast. But after two or three days, I experienced something I have never felt before. I got homesick. Because I missed you.   Your loving character has become more complex since the last letter I wrote to you. How little did I know about you then? …

About life.

This is my sister and I 30 years ago, taken by my mom or my dad.   I turned 30 this week and must say I actually feel pretty good, possibly even better than ever. Of course there are little downsides as always, some of them are so personal that I don’t want to talk about them, but all together life is good. Riding the big three feels like an accomplishment, and I can say that I have reached pretty much all my goals since the big two, though I usually don’t phrase or stick to them.   A few …

365 Days.

Dear Mini-Me,   one year ago I thought I’d die. It had been almost two days since my water broke, two weeks before your due date, I had been in inducted labour for almost 24 hours, I had been moved from the oh so natural birth house to the oh so hated hospital – and still you didn’t seem to get out.   I was absolutely desperate at that very moment, starting to give up on myself, as my body appeared to be incapable to birth you. I have no idea how it eventually happened, with a lot of help …

1 month.

Mini-me turned one month old today. I can’t believe how time is flying. It feels like he has just arrived. I dearly hope he’ll never leave again.   Photo: Carolin Weinkopf