
Als ich vor ein paar Wochen den Text zur Vereinbarkeit getippt habe, war ich mir ziemlich unsicher, ob ich ihn tatsächlich veröffentlichen würde. Letzlich tat ich es – und löschte ihn sofort wieder. Dann musste ich erstmal Anton abholen und ging mit ihm auf den Spielplatz, und ärgerte mich später, als ich bereits einige Reaktionen auf den Text im Posteingang hatte. Dann veröffentlichte ich ihn aber doch.   Ähnliche Texte hatte ich schon häufiger angefangen und doch wieder verworfen. Eigentlich war mir diese Offenheit nämlich vor allem eines: zu privat. Letztlich glaube ich aber, doch einen Weg gefunden zu haben, …

Oh Boy!

Dear Mini-me,   how dare you being two years old today?   Being apart from you for a week this month has been the best decision I have made in a very long time. It was a trip to the past, to my old life, my old job, my old self. I had a blast. But after two or three days, I experienced something I have never felt before. I got homesick. Because I missed you.   Your loving character has become more complex since the last letter I wrote to you. How little did I know about you then? …

About life.

This is my sister and I 30 years ago, taken by my mom or my dad.   I turned 30 this week and must say I actually feel pretty good, possibly even better than ever. Of course there are little downsides as always, some of them are so personal that I don’t want to talk about them, but all together life is good. Riding the big three feels like an accomplishment, and I can say that I have reached pretty much all my goals since the big two, though I usually don’t phrase or stick to them.   A few …

Oh you.

Dear Mini-me,   the apartment is a mess. I have been working too much too late lately and I don’t even care. It’s a charming chaos. The laundry piles up and in the mornings I get worried not to find anything clean to dress you with. When I pick you up from daycare, you smile and wink at me. Instead of leaving, you invite me to join in the fun. Jump in the ball bath, crawl in the box or climb on the slide. To any question I ask you, you say yes, nod, and twinkle, again. When we pass …

An inner conflict.

I love my life in Berlin, as a photographer, as a friend to such amazing people and as a mom of mini-me. Though, in my heart, I am a traveler. 2011 was my year as a traveling photographer, having the amazing opportunities to visit Norway, Nepal, Paris ( 1 2 3 4 5 ), Vienna ( 1 2 3 ), Barcelona ( 1 2 ) and the Costa Brava, Morocco, Oman and Nepal again. One day after I found out I was pregnant in February 2012, I took a flight to Macedonia via Istanbul, a few weeks later I spent …

365 Days.

Dear Mini-Me,   one year ago I thought I’d die. It had been almost two days since my water broke, two weeks before your due date, I had been in inducted labour for almost 24 hours, I had been moved from the oh so natural birth house to the oh so hated hospital – and still you didn’t seem to get out.   I was absolutely desperate at that very moment, starting to give up on myself, as my body appeared to be incapable to birth you. I have no idea how it eventually happened, with a lot of help …