
My blogging habits have been insufficient lately and I’m very sorry. Life isn’t easy right now, I had a chronic sunisitis and a gum infection for months (!)… finally a doctor took a swap and found a nasty germ in my body and since day one of antibiotic treatment, I feel a lot better though still not entirely back in shape. I have been working like crazy, photographing, editing, writing and concepting new projects and jobs and have reached a level of busy-ness that I don’t want to continue.


I am planning to dedicate a week in February this year to keep my laptop shut, to start a few lists of priorities (in handwriting!), to do lots of yoga and to figure out a way to make my work and life balance an actual balance, because now, it just isn’t. I feel like I am missing a lot of toddler joy due to the fact that I can just never finish my work load before mini-me comes home, and even though I try to focus entirely on him between his return from daycare and bedtime, it just isn’t possible, because deadlines are haunting and I worry about bills that have to be paid. Even though mini-me’s sleeping habits have drastically improved over the past couple of months, I still almost never get more than five hours of sleep (if even). Just now I can’t blame it on anyone but myself. Ooof.


As a tiny break from reality, I went on a wonderful little getaway to Torino this weekend and will write a post for the most beautiful travel blog of all time – Smaracuja –  in the next few weeks, I’ll give  a shout out once it is up. For the past few weeks I accompanied Maria & Sophia on several dinners for the wonderful food soap 40 Days of Eating. #1 is already up, #2 and #3 are yet to come. Next weekend I am traveling to the US of A for the wedding of my lovely host sister A. I rented a car to drive down from NYC to Philly and back and am a bit anxious excited to go on an American highway. Actually, I might be terrified. But then again, who minds a nice adventure, right?


If you miss my posts please bear with me, check my instagram for more frequent updates on where I’m at and make sure to browse the portfolio part of this website, because while I might be a bit lot more silent than usual, I am actually quite productive and constantly updating categories, even older ones.


Until then, In schā’a llāh!


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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

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