Life lately. #32/52

We basically spent last week in the forest, as you see in the pictures below. It was a slow and green and lovely week. We also went to Nürburgring for a day to watch vintage cars and I shot one of the best photos in a lifetime that day. I love it so much and keep looking at it, over and over again. It was the perfect moment and I am so grateful.   The woods around our hometown are breathtaking. It literally seems like they are mystic virgin jungles. More than once I asked myself, why, as a child, …

Life lately. #31/52

Looking back at this week, it seems it’s been a mainly vertical format photography kind of week. I had lots of Weinschorle with my Dutch friend Mariska when she came for a visit on her birthday, spent a whole afternoon on the playground in the rain with the happiest of all mini-mes and we eventually packed our bags and drove home to spent time with the grandparents.   I started #agermanstory on a rainy afternoon and I’m happy.   All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

Life lately. #30/52

Please forgive my cheating, I am sneaking in posts I didn’t manage to publish on time, just so that future generations might assume I was always on schedule with these.   It’s been a hot week with a bit of office work, a lot of cuddling, a trip to the lake, a stab by a syringe, and long walks and bike rides around the city.   All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

Life lately. #29/52

Berlin is a breeding pressure tank these days and anyone who knows me can figure that I am basically out-of-order right now. I try to cross all errands of my to-do-lists early or late, so I don’t need to spend too much time in the heat. When I do get myself outside, I try to do pleasant things, like spending all afternoon at the water playground with mini-me, or eat spaghetti ice cream with >>Lisa<< and >>Nina<<. On sunday, after a very short night (5am, I tell you…), we spent all day at the public pool, along with what felt …

Life lately. #27/52

Summer is – job-wise – usually a slow time for me, and I guess that’s fine. Since June was still quite busy with shootings and editing, even though I wanted to take a break, I am giving myself a less productive first half of July instead, and I use it to get things in order that have been undone way too long. I updated my >>website<< (that’s right, after more than two years) and relaunched a new design and everything, with my blog included (finally!). This feels so good. It’s like a whole new life.   Meanwhile, it’s a hot …

Life lately. Best of #19 – 26/52

I skipped these for a few weeks, because I was either so busy I couldn’t sit down and properly phrase a few sentences and pick out the best photos, or I was so relaxed that I didn’t want to poison it with reflection. Sorry.   The past weeks have been so up and down and good and bad that I can’t even remember really, it’s all in a blur. Mini-me has been healthy since April (!) and we have been basically sucking up life as much as possible. I worked a bit less after weeks of total exhaustion. I had …

Life lately. #13/52

So after the sick week follows an almost healthy one. I worked my ass off these past days to catch up and actually got most of my stuff done. I spent a sunny saturday on a boat cruising Müggelsee and the lakes around with a group of drunken girls, which was absolutely amazing and so (!) relaxing. April will be good to me job-wise and will even involve a bit of travelling. While editing the past week’s photo shoots, I’m boosting my immune system with yellow, red and green smoothies and I really enjoy the beautiful weather outside. My eye …

Life lately. #12/52

Ten days of sick mini-me have tied my hands last week and explain why I am one week late on life-lately’s. The week was totally uneventful and exhausting, though I just love cuddling up all day so what’s there to complain? Sigh… Now I have caught my share of an eye infection, so hi there, sickness, once again.   All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone