Photography Workshops Berlin.

I got so many requests lately that I decided to schedule some photography workshops again for this fall in Berlin. There will be two options for group workshops and I will also teach a few private lessons upon request for people who are willing to pay more and/or have more specific needs.   November 12 – 16, 2018 Absolute Beginners Workshop 1st lesson: technical basics & shooting on (half-) manual (Monday, November 12, 9:30am – 12:30pm) 2nd lesson: visual basics & composition (Wednesday, November 10, 9:30am – 12:30pm) 3rd lesson: basic editing with Lightroom and/or Photoshop (Friday, November 12, 9:30am …

Headshots: Jane Chirwa.

Ich fotografiere ja sehr viele Menschen, und in den allermeisten Fällen bin ich zumindest kurzzeitig ein bisschen verliebt in sie, da ich sie in so kurzer Zeit so intensiv kennenlerne. Daraus sind schon viele enge Freundschaften entstanden und ich bin immer wieder geflasht und glücklich wenn ich von einem Porträtshooting komme. Ich hasse es, am Computer Bilder auszuwählen und zu bearbeiten, aber ich liebe es, unterwegs zu sein und diese Bilder entstehen zu lassen.   Vor ein paar Wochen, an einem der ersten sonnigen Tage des Jahres, habe ich die ganz zauberhafte Schauspielerin >>Jane Chirwa<< auf dem Tempelhofer Feld in …

Photography Workshops in Berlin.

Due to multiple requests I decided to schedule some workshops for this fall in Berlin. There will be two options for group workshops and I will also teach a few private lessons upon request for people who are willing to pay more and/or have more specific needs.   October 6 – 10, 2014 Absolute Beginners Workshop 1st lesson: technical basics & shooting on (half-) manual (Monday, October 6th, 9:30am – 12:30pm) 2nd lesson: visual basics & composition (Wednesday, October 8th, 9:30am – 12:30pm) 3rd lesson: basic editing with Photoshop (Friday, October 10th, 9:30am – 12:30pm) Max. number of participants: 5 …

A syringe.

I took a day off yesterday and went to the lake with friends. When I returned to Berlin in the afternoon, I met N and mini-me on a playground in the area. We drank Kefir and Apfelschorle, snacked on fresh blueberries and waffles and felt very happy. Mini-me has been a bit unpredictable for leisure time fun lately, sometimes he hates everything and sometimes he loves it all. When you bike 45 minutes to a water sprinkler for kids that’s actually open and any splash of water makes your kid cry for ten minutes, that sucks. Especially when the day …

Life lately. #28/52

So I forgot the week before last in life latelys, and this is it. (I dated it back so it still makes sense.)   The week was coined by the world cup finals, the whole city was tense before Germany vs. Argentinia. While I personally wasn’t all that excited, flags crossed my way on every corner and I went on a few walks and bike tours to shoot more #BERLINFANSIGHTS in the city. >>One of my photos<< made it to >>Schland Watch<< and was heavily discussed. While I get that they show bits and pieces found online, and it was …

Life lately. Best of #19 – 26/52

I skipped these for a few weeks, because I was either so busy I couldn’t sit down and properly phrase a few sentences and pick out the best photos, or I was so relaxed that I didn’t want to poison it with reflection. Sorry.   The past weeks have been so up and down and good and bad that I can’t even remember really, it’s all in a blur. Mini-me has been healthy since April (!) and we have been basically sucking up life as much as possible. I worked a bit less after weeks of total exhaustion. I had …

Bea Brocks.

A few months ago when I was heavily pregnant with mini-me (seems like years ago, actually…), I took photos of my friend and stunning actress >>Bea Brocks<< for her portfolio. Never got to show these until now, so here they are.   All photos: Carolin Weinkopf


I was picking up a train ticket tonight at Ostkreuz when I saw tons of police and firemen running around. Seems as if some crazy person had decided to burn some cars (again…). It was insane, especially because the fire didn’t seem to be controllable and the firemen actually pushed the flames from one car to another. I’m almost sure it was only one car that was put on fire (and it kept on lighting up again) – but the firemen concentrated on one car, while pushing the flames to the neighbouring cars, then trying to control those, while the …

Heavy rain.

I remember last year’s excessive thunderstorms and nostalgically think back to hours of sitting on the windowsill, watching lightning strike Berlin’s TV tower and trying to >>catch it on photo<<. Unfortunately having a huge balloon in front of me to carry around doesn’t make it easier to bend over the parapet and shoot, and I decided the risk might be too high with mini-me jumping around in there.   This year’s summer seems to be quite similar (and possibly even “worse” – you know I love it, so I can’t complain!) in terms of rain and thunderstorms. Today, N and …

Fashion Daily.

Last night I took some mood shots for my friends at >>Fashion Daily<< at one of their Berlin fashion week events. It was hard to stay sober while everyone was swimming in champagne and my belly decided to be extra big and iffy at once, but it was nice to whizz around, pick up lemonade and finger food and be the undercover photographer (while everyone’s camera was big and super-flashy, I tried to stay in the background and used my smallest analogue lens and a quite different perspective). Enjoy.   All photos: Carolin Weinkopf   I really do love shooting …